
About Us

Our Aim, Our Goals, Our Mission

Maximize Property Yield

Ensure faster ROI for every property managed.

Achieve Independence Faster

Help landlords achieve financial freedom efficiently.

Premier One-Stop AI Solution

Be the top AI-driven property management platform with unparalleled value.

Co-Creation with Landlords

Collaborate with landlords to meet their needs and deliver the best results.


LordLand.AI Team

  • We first met 10 years ago as colleagues at Microsoft, collaborating on several exciting customer projects.

  • Our shared passion for innovation a customer value generation brought us together again, leading to the creation of LordLand.AI.

  • First intended to be our own tool, since we are landords too, but couldn´t find easy to use, affordable and truly yield focused property management system.

  • So it basically started as product-founder fit.

  • And then, after validating our idea with other landlords, and getting positive feedback, we decided to give it a boost.

Peter Kmosko Profile Picture

Peter Kmosko

Co-founder & Business Lead

  • Peter has 13 years of experience at Microsoft, where he held multiple national and international roles, including positions in Business Planning, as Chief Marketing Officer, Product Division Director, and Consumer Market Sales Through Director.
  • In addition to his corporate career, Peter is a lifelong entrepreneur. He founded his first e-commerce startup, Artnet, during his university studies in 2000, which he later sold to an American investor. Since then, he has been the founder or co-founder of multiple successful startups, including NovaStory (exit), Behavera (exit), and Runology (active).
  • Additionally, Peter has served as a mentor and consultant to various startups, including through the PerryTalent incubator program, leveraging his extensive experience in customer experience and strategy consulting with almost 50 mid-size and large enterprises, O2, Genesis Motor Europe, CSOB by KBC, Yettel, VUB by Intesa San Paolo and many other.

Peter Kmosko Profile Picture

Marek Lani

Co-founder & Tech Lead

  • Marek is a tech evangelist, cloud developer, and solutions architect with over a decade of deep industry experience. Throughout his career, Marek has refined his skills in designing and implementing advanced cloud-based solutions, working with a broad spectrum of clients from emerging startups to established Fortune 500 companies, including industry leaders such as Maersk and Emirates.
  • At Microsoft, Marek was member and led teams developing innovative cloud solutions that significantly enhanced clients' digital transformations. His expertise in building cloud infrastructure drove efficiency and scalability. Later, as a Senior Cloud Architect at PwC, he continued to refine his cloud skills, ensuring technology implementations supported client business growth and operational excellence.
  • Beyond his professional roles, when workload allows, Marek actively contributes to the technology community as a speaker at meetups, conferences or university lectures or publishes write ups on topics related to cloud technologies.